International Journal of Translation

 ISSN 0940-9819



Presentation - Submission and expression of interest - Format - Main topics of interest - Indexing - Contact - Related CFPs



International Journal of Translation, published since 1989 by Bahri Publications, solicits papers relevant for theory and practice of manual, computer-aided, or automatic translation.

Publication has no cost for the authors, and the editorial house sends for free one complete copy of the issue to every author. This guarantees the quality of the papers: the publisher's income comes from the readers, not from the authors.

Submission and expression of interest

Papers ready to review or abstracts of papers in preparation (expression of interest) are received through the


We encourage you to submit abstracts of papers in preparation, for us to plan the future special issues and to allocate room for your paper. When submitting an abstract, please indicate when your paper will be ready. You can upload the full text of your paper later.

For review, a file in one of the following formats is to be submitted: PDF (preferred), PS, Word. In case of acceptance, you will need to upload your source file: Word, TeX, etc. (we cannot publish a paper from only a PDF or PS file). We will send you further instructions on uploading your camera-ready source files upon acceptance notification.

Deadline for the nearest issue: May 10, 2007. Papers received after this date will be considered for the next issue.


We do not have any specific page limit: we welcome both short and long papers, provided the quality and novelty of the paper adequately justifies the length.

We encourage you to follow the format of this sample paper: Word DOC (right-click and choose Save Target As to save), PDF; here are the format guidelines. Submissions in another format can be reviewed, but the use of the recommended format is encouraged.

Main topics of interest

Papers related (directly or indirectly) to manual translation or machine translation are most relevant. Papers on other topics such as computational linguistics, natural language processing, or other areas of linguistics relevant (even if indirectly) to translation are welcome.

More specifically, the main topics of interest include, though are not limited to, the following:


  • Machine translation (MT)

  • Translation and cognition

  • Computer-assisted translation (CAT)

  • Translation and learning strategy

  • Natural language processing (NLP)

  • Translation and equivalence

  • Lexical resources for MT, CAT, or NLP

  • Translation and psycholinguistics

  • Dictionaries and grammars for translation

  • Translation and neurology

  • Translation theories

  • Translation and communication

  • Translation problems

  • Translation process

  • Translation and morphology

  • Translation vs. interpreting

  • Translation and semantics

  • Cultural translation

Especially welcome are papers understandable for translation practitioners (such as papers presenting tools for computer-aided translation or best practices in translation), as well as for developers of translation-related software. Also, papers related to Asian languages (such as languages spoken in India and nearby regions) are welcome, as well as papers focused on other major languages or on language-independent issues.


The journal is indexed by Translation Studies Abstracts and some other indices.


For requests, please contact A. Gelbukh. Please indicate "International Journal of Translation (IJT)" in the Subject line of all email correspondence.

Related Calls for Papers

CICLing-2008: 9th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing

MICAI-2007: 6th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

ENC-2007: 10th International Conference on Computer Science

CIC-2007: 16th Magnum International Conference on Computer Science